I was walking around in the woods, crying like a little boy. I had been doing this for three days. I didn’t understand.

I was just barely nineteen years old. A week before my rock band fell apart. The day before my girlfriend broke up with me. My life felt completely shattered. I was walking around the trees of a forest, and through pastures, feeling hurt and depressed and anxious … wanting to understand …

“God, I don’t understand You. I don’t understand me. I don’t understand all this. I just want to have a good life. And now I’ve got nothing except my life – but no fulfillment! What’s the point!” (more sobbing)

I was in terrible emotional pain … but that was my turning point.

I didn’t understand God that day. But I faced the fact that I had never achieved the desires of my heart, and I had lost hope that I ever could.

Then came the peace. Calm, soothing peacefulness in my soul. I had cried out to someone, anyone. And I sensed that Someone heard.

Fast forward forty-four years. I am sixty-three years old. I’m happily married to the woman I’ve loved for forty-two years. We have three sons we’re proud of. We live in a big house with a back yard full of fruit trees. I work in a dream career, helping other Christians understand God and walk in God’s ways to achieve the desires of their hearts!

I don’t have it all. But I have so much more than my nineteen year old self ever thought possible. And God just keeps adding more. “Delight yourself in Yahweh and He will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4).

I spent many years trying to understand God well enough to walk in His ways and achieve the life I hoped for in Christ. I’m not sure it had to take me this long. But that’s what I did. (I learn slowly. How about you?!)

It is a great life. I’ve helped many Christians. I want to help so many more. I want to help you understand the will of God well enough to walk in His ways consistently and purposefully, so you can get all you want God’s way.

I’ve dedicated this website to that purpose.

Understanding God requires you to learn some new ideas about God as a person and as a being. Experiencing God’s will in your life requires a clear path for putting those ideas into usefulness in your daily life. We call that our practice, or our walk.

In other words, your ideas about God will direct and shape your walk with God. Thus, to make the most of your life experience as a mortal human being, you need to “listen to God and walk in His ways” (Psalm 81:13). That’s the basic plan to experience God’s will.

Check out all the posts in this Category, The Experience, to get a good mind-set to enter the other posts that elucidate the Four Pillars to Experience God’s Will!